Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Request::$request is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/request.php on line 12Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 7Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 8Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 9Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Session cookie parameters cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 11Warning: session_start(): Session cannot be started after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 12Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/graficap/public_html/index.php:98) in /home1/graficap/public_html/index.php on line 173Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/customer.php on line 14Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/customer.php on line 15Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$request is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/customer.php on line 16Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/customer.php on line 17Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/affiliate.php on line 12Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/affiliate.php on line 13Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$request is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/affiliate.php on line 14Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/affiliate.php on line 15Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 8Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$language is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 9Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$request is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 10Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 11Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/graficap/public_html/index.php:98) in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 45Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/tax.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/tax.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/tax.php on line 8Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Weight::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/weight.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Weight::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/weight.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Length::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/length.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Length::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/length.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$customer is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/cart.php on line 9Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/cart.php on line 10Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$tax is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/cart.php on line 12Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$weight is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/cart.php on line 13Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Openbay::$logger is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/openbay.php on line 17Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Event::$registry is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/engine/event.php on line 6Prazo de produção e envio:
O prazo varia de acordo com o produto ou quantidades, e será
contabilizado a partir da confirmação do pagamento do pedido e, se for o caso,
da aprovação da arte por parte do cliente.
Trocas e devoluções:
1. Todos os nossos produtos são revisados antes de serem
embalados e enviados, para assim garantir que nenhum produto seja enviado com
algum defeito de fabricação;
2. Não trocamos produtos personalizados com: datas, nomes,
imagens pessoais do cliente, etc;
3. O prazo para desistência é de 7 dias, desde que o produto
enviado seja devolvido em perfeitas condições (essa condição não se aplica para
produtos que se enquadrem no item 2);
4. O frete fica por conta do cliente.
Meios de pagamento
Os pagamentos podem ser feitos através de boleto bancário,
cartões de crédito (com parcelamento em até 12 vezes com juros) e débito
online. Prazos de resposta: Em até 24 horas.
Prazo de cancelamento
de pedidos:
1. Se em até 7 (sete) dias, a partir do dia da compra, não
for identificado seu pagamento, poderemos cancelar seu pedido;
2. Mas caso haja interesse no produto, nos informe por
e-mail, assim poderemos lhe dar mais 48 horas de prazo para confirmação de
Opções de Frete:
1. Enviamos os produtos pelos Correios, podendo optar por SEDEX
ou PAC.