Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Request::$request is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/request.php on line 12Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 7Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 8Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 9Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Session cookie parameters cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 11Warning: session_start(): Session cannot be started after headers have already been sent in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 12Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/graficap/public_html/index.php:98) in /home1/graficap/public_html/index.php on line 173Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/customer.php on line 14Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/customer.php on line 15Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$request is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/customer.php on line 16Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/customer.php on line 17Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/affiliate.php on line 12Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/affiliate.php on line 13Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$request is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/affiliate.php on line 14Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/affiliate.php on line 15Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 8Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$language is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 9Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$request is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 10Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 11Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/graficap/public_html/index.php:98) in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/currency.php on line 45Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/tax.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/tax.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/tax.php on line 8Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Weight::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/weight.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Weight::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/weight.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Length::$db is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/length.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Length::$config is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/length.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$customer is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/cart.php on line 9Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$session is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/cart.php on line 10Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$tax is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/cart.php on line 12Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$weight is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/cart.php on line 13Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Openbay::$logger is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/library/openbay.php on line 17Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Event::$registry is deprecated in /home1/graficap/public_html/system/engine/event.php on line 6 Política de Privacidade

Política de Privacidade

A Gráfica Pantone garante segurança e privacidade de identidade aos internautas que fazem compras na loja virtual. Dados cadastrados como nome, endereço e número de cartão de crédito são protegidos por sistemas avançados de criptografia.

A Gráfica Pantone tem adotado os níveis legalmente requeridos quanto à segurança na proteção de dados, tendo instalado todos os meios e medidas técnicas ao seu alcance para evitar a perda, mau uso, alteração, acesso não autorizado ou subtração indevida dos Dados Pessoais recolhidos. Não obstante, o usuário deve estar ciente de que as medidas de segurança relativas à Internet não são integralmente infalíveis.

A Gráfica Pantone reserva-se o direito de modificar a presente política para adaptá-la a alterações legislativas ou jurisprudências, ou aquelas relativas às práticas comerciais. Em qualquer caso, a Gráfica Pantone anunciará no site, por meio desta página, as mudanças introduzidas com uma antecedência razoável à sua colocação em prática.


Ao se cadastrar, os clientes determinam voluntariamente que desejam fornecer os seus Dados Pessoais requeridos na contratação, atualização ou cancelamento de determinados serviços oferecidos no.

Os Dados Pessoais recolhidos pela Gráfica Pantone serão objeto de tratamento automatizado, sendo incorporados aos correspondentes registros eletrônicos de dados pessoais, dos quais a Gráfica Pantone será titular e responsável.